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New Year, New Goals

Writer's picture: Erin Erin

We've never tracked the number of hikes or number of miles we completed or the number of wildlife spotting's, etc. that we've encountered within a year before. Welcome 2021. This year we hope to accomplish 52 hikes and 364 miles. This may seem like a lot to some, and not enough to others, but we had to start somewhere. We thought if we could average one hike a week and 7 miles per hike we would be able to accomplish this goal.

In 2020 we were able to check off eight National Parks, brining our bucket list up to 30 out of 62 National Parks visited. With the passing of the stimulus bill (yep... this was tacked in there somewhere) the 63rd National Park, New River Gorge has been designated. Since we are on day one of 2021, and never thought safe at home orders and a global pandemic would exist....we are setting the bar low and hoping to check off 2 new National Parks in 2021.

Make this year a year of finding, of fulfillment, of joy, peace, and purpose.


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